58. Current and non-current assets and liabilities

PKO Annual
Report Online

FINANCIAL ASSETS Current Non-current Total carrying amount
Cash and balances with Central Bank 7 474 7 474
Amounts due from banks 2 555 2 2 557
Hedging derivatives 423 535 958
Other derivative instruments 1 824 3 677 5 501
Securities 13 718 109 964 123 682
– held for trading 922 256 1 178
– not held for trading, mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 1 536 930 2 466
 – measured at fair value through OCI 10 344 63 167 73 511
 – measured at amortized cost 916 45 611 46 527
Loans and advances to customers 50 596 172 007 222 603
– not held for trading, mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 4 282 1 731 6 013
 – measured at amortized cost 46 314 170 276 216 590
Receivables in respect of insurance activities 306 492 798
Other financial assets 1 927 10 1 937
Total financial assets 78 823 286 687 365 510

FINANCIAL ASSETS Current Non-current Total carrying amount
Cash and balances with Central Bank 14 677 14 677
Amounts due from banks 4 066 26 4 092
Hedging derivatives 160 485 645
Other derivative instruments 1 190 1 605 2 795
Securities 6 200 74 373 80 573
 – held for trading 466 646 1 112
 – not held for trading, mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 1 753 446 2 199
– measured at fair value through OCI 3 567 60 240 63 807
– measured at amortized cost 414 13 041 13 455
Repo transactions 1 081 1 081
Loans and advances to customers 52 708 177 498 230 206
– not held for trading, mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 5 465 2 825 8 290
– measured at amortized cost 47 243 174 673 221 916
Receivables in respect of insurance activities 339 519 858
Other financial assets 1 766 1 766
Total financial assets 82 187 254 507 336 694

FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Current Non-Current Total carrying amount
Amounts due to banks 2 626 2 626
 – measured at fair value through profit or loss 2 626 2 626
– measured at amortized cost 308 70 378
Hedging derivatives 2 412 3 692 6 104
Other derivative instruments 270 025 12 331 282 356
Amounts due to customers 1 216 1 216
– measured at fair value through profit or loss 270 025 11 115 281 140
Liabilities in respect of insurance activities 541 1 199 1 740
Loans and advances received 652 1 615 2 267
Debt securities in issue 13 167 18 931 32 098
Subordinated liabilities 2 716 2 716
Other financial liabilities 2 098 913 3 011
Provisions for financial liabilities and guarantees granted 538 91 629
Total financial liabilities 292 367 41 558 333 925

FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Current Non-Current Total carrying amount
Amounts due to banks 2 135 2 135
– measured at fair value through profit or loss 317 317
– measured at amortized cost 1 818 1 818
Hedging derivatives 238 351 589
Other derivative instruments 1 272 1 652 2 924
Amounts due to customers 243 430 12 740 256 170
– measured at fair value through profit or loss 46 1 353 1 399
– measured at amortized cost 243 384 11 387 254 771
Liabilities in respect of insurance activities 525 1 252 1 777
Loans and advances received 512 2 267 2 779
Debt securities in issue 3 964 27 184 31 148
Subordinated liabilities 2 730 2 730
Other financial liabilities 2 534 683 3 217
Provisions for financial liabilities and guarantees granted 226 43 269
Total financial liabilities 254 845 48 893 303 738

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