15. Fee and commission income and expenses

PKO Annual
Report Online

Accounting policies

The Group recognizes fee and commission income that is not accounted for using the effective interest rate in such a manner so as to reflect the transfer of the goods or services promised to a customer in an amount reflecting the consideration to which – in accordance with the Group’s expectations – it will be entitled in return for the goods or services in accordance with the five stage model for recognizing revenue.

Fee and commission income includes one-off amounts charged by the Group for services not related directly to the creation of financial assets, as well as amounts charged by the Group’s services performed, which are recognized on a straight-line basis. Fee and commission income also includes fees and commissions recognized on a straight-line basis, received on loans and advances granted with an unspecified schedule of future cash flows for which the effective interest rate cannot be determined.

Upon concluding a contract, the Bank assesses whether it will be capable of fulfilling the commitment to perform over time or at a point in time.

The accounting policies for recognizing commission income on sales of insurance products linked to loans and advances are described in the Note “Interest income and expenses”.

The following items are also included in commission income:

  • net income on insurance activities – in the line “offering insurance products” which comprises premium income, costs of insurance activities, claims and change in technical reserves, and the impact of the reinsurer’s share in the aforementioned items.
  • net income on operating leases, short-term rental and net income on the provision of fleet management services – in the line “operating leases and fleet management”. Such income comprises mainly fees for using leased assets, income on short-term rentals and net income or expense on fleet management services (including service, tyre replacement, provision of replacement vehicles). Income on operating leases was included together with the cost of the separation of property, plant and equipment under operating leases;
  • the foreign exchange margin included in the exchange rates offered to the Bank’s customers when providing foreign currency purchase/sale services is presented in the line “margin on foreign exchange transactions”.

Financial information

Loans, insurance, operating leases and fleet management 1 237 1 192
lending 726 711
offering insurance products 411 386
operating leases and fleet management 100 95
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 720 740
servicing investment funds and OFE (including management fees) 412 545
servicing and selling investment and insurance products 34 43
brokerage activities 274 152
Cards 1 325 1 340
Margins on foreign exchange transactions 476 370
Bank accounts and other 1 195 1 172
servicing bank accounts 900 838
cash operations 71 75
servicing foreign mass transactions 73 99
customer orders 53 48
fiduciary services 6 6
other 92 106
Total, of which: 4 953 4 814
income from of financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss 4 203 3 890

Loans and insurance (132) (164)
commission paid to external entities for product sales (33) (46)
cost of construction investment supervision and property valuation (36) (46)
fees to Biuro Informacji Kredytowej (16) (18)
loan handling (47) (54)
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities (49) (34)
Cards (744) (775)
Bank accounts and other (124) (110)
clearing services (35) (29)
commissions for operating services provided by banks (7) (11)
sending short text messages (SMS) (41) (33)
selling banking products (7) (11)
servicing foreign mass transactions (13) (10)
other (21) (16)
Total (1 049) (1 083)

Income on operating leases and fleet management 367 269
Cost net income on operating leases and fleet management (74) (47)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment under operating leases (193) (127)
Net income on operating leases and fleet management 100 95

Retail segment Corporate and
investment segment
Transfer centre
and other
Loans, insurance, operating leases and fleet management 953 284 1 237
Lending 478 248 726
offering insurance products 396 15 411
operating leases and fleet management 79 21 100
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 508 212 720
servicing investment funds and OFE (including management fees) 381 31 412
servicing and selling investment and insurance products 34 34
brokerage activities 93 181 274
Cards 1 278 47 1 325
Margins on foreign exchange transactions 319 157 476
Bank accounts and other 943 252 1 195
servicing bank accounts 764 136 900
cash operations 43 28 71
servicing foreign mass transactions 40 33 73
customer orders 29 24 53
fiduciary services 6 6
Other 67 25 92
Total 4 001 952 4 953

Corporate and
investment segment
Transfer centre
and other
Loans, insurance, operating leases and fleet management 926 266 1 192
Lending 479 232 711
offering insurance products 373 13 386
operating leases and fleet management 74 21 95
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 582 158 740
servicing investment funds and OFE (including management fees) 492 53 545
servicing and selling investment and insurance products 43 43
brokerage activities 47 105 152
Cards 1 286 54 1 340
Margins on foreign exchange transactions 212 158 370
Bank accounts and other 961 211 1 172
servicing bank accounts 742 96 838
cash operations 45 30 75
servicing foreign mass transactions 64 35 99
customer orders 27 21 48
fiduciary services 6 6
Other 83 23 106
Total 3 967 847 4 814

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