46. Leases

PKO Annual
Report Online

Accounting policies


The Group acts as a lessor in lease agreements relating to vehicles, buildings, including office space, and machinery and equipment. The Group conducts lease activities through the entities from the PKO Leasing S.A. Group and KREDOBANK S.A.

The Group as a lessor classifies leases as operating or finance leases.

A lease agreement is classified as an operating lease if substantially all risks and benefits from owning the underlying assets are not transferred. In such an instance the Group records lease payments as income on a straight-line basis.

A lease agreement is classified as a finance lease if substantially all risks and benefits from owning the underlying assets are transferred. The Group classifies agreements as finance leases where at least one or all of the following conditions have been met:

  • the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end of the lease term;
  • the lessee has the option to purchase the underlying asset at a price that is expected to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the date the option becomes exercisable for it to be reasonably certain, at the inception date, that the option will be exercised;
  • the lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the underlying asset even if title is not transferred;
  • at the inception date, the present value of the lease payments amounts to at least substantially all of the fair value of the underlying asset (in a sublease it is the value of the right-of-use asset arising from the master lease agreement); and
  •  the underlying asset is of such a specialized nature that only the lessee can use it without major modifications.

At the inception of a lease, the Group as a lessor in a finance lease presents receivables in an amount equal to the net investment in the lease, i.e. gross investment in the lease discounted with the interest rate implicit in the lease.

Gross investment in the lease is the sum of:

  • lease payments receivable by a lessor under a finance lease; and
  • any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor.

The interest rate implicit in the lease applied by the Group is the rate of interest that causes the present value of the lease payments and the unguaranteed residual value to equal the sum of the fair value of the underlying asset and any initial direct costs of the Group.


From the point of view of the lessee, IFRS 16 eliminates the classification of leases into operating and finance leases and introduces one recognition and measurement model.

Lease agreements or agreements containing a lease according to the Group’s classification include agreements under which the Group:

  • obtains the right of use of the identified asset and the supplier’s ability to substitute an alternative asset is not significant; and
  • has the right to obtain substantially all economic benefits from the right of use throughout the period of use; and
  • has the right to direct the use of the identified asset over the period of use, when:
    • the Group has the right to direct how and for what purpose the asset is used throughout the period of use; or
    • the relevant decisions about how and for what purpose the asset is used are predetermined.

The Group applies exceptions and does not recognize right-of-use assets and liabilities with respect to:

  • short-term leases, which include agreements without an option to buy an asset, concluded for a period not exceeding 12 months from the commencement of the agreement, in particular agreements concluded for an indefinite period with a short (up to 12 months) notice period, without significant penalties, which include in particular leasehold improvements incurred and relocation costs;
  • low-value leases (an asset’s value is lower than PLN 20 000, determined based on the value of a new asset, regardless of the age of the leased asset), excluding agreements for rental of space.

The Group initially measures lease liabilities at the present value of the lease payments outstanding as at that date.

The amount of the lease liability is affected by:

  • fixed payments less any lease incentives payable;
  • variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;
  • any residual guarantees expected from the lessee;
  • the exercise price of a purchase option if the probability that the Group would exercise that option is higher than 50%;
  • payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease agreement contains an option for the Group to terminate the lease as a lessee.

The Group does not classify variable fees that depend on external factors as lease payments.

After initial recognition the Group’s lease liabilities are measured at amortized cost.

The Group records revaluation of lease liabilities as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset. If as a result of remeasurement the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is reduced to zero and the lease liability is further reduced, the Group recognizes the remaining amount of the remeasurement as a profit or loss.

The Group initially measures the right-of-use assets at cost, which comprises:

  • the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;
  • any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received;
  • any initial direct costs incurred by the Group.

The Group subsequently measures the right-of-use asset at cost less accumulated depreciation (depreciation calculated under the straight-line method) and accumulated impairment losses, adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease liability.

To discount future lease payments, the Group applies discount rates that:

  • are calculated based on yield curves reflecting the cost of financing in a given currency,
  • cover the tenor of the longest lease contract subject to measurement and reflecting – for a given currency – a fixed market interest rate and the Group’s cost of financing (the tenors of the lease agreements are within the range from 1 to 99 years);
  • have been read from the curve for maturity corresponding to one-half of the maturity of the lease agreement.

The Group performs quarterly updates of the incremental borrowing rate for lease agreements.

The Group applies the same discount rates for the portfolio of car leases and property leases, including rights to perpetual usufruct of land, taking into account the impact of the lease security on the discount rate applied.

The Group recognizes the lease payments relating to short-term and low-value leases as cost using the straight-line method, over the term of the lease. The differences between the amounts paid and those arising from the straight-line recognition of the costs are recorded as prepayments or accruals.

Financial information:


Costs related to short-term lease contracts (5) (12)
Costs related to lease contracts for low-value assets (other than short-term), non-deductible VAT expenses and service charges (72) (66)
Total (77) (78)


For a period:

up to 1 year

259 247

from 1 to 2 years

161 141

from 2 to 3 years

76 62

from 3 to 4 years

15 17

from 4 to 5 years

3 2

over 5 years

2 2
Total 516 471

The average agreement period for operating lease agreements where the Group is a lessor is usually 36 months. The lessee bears service and insurance costs.

Assets leased out under operating lease agreements are presented in the Note “Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment as well as property, plant and equipment leased out under operating lease agreements.”




Gross investment in the lease of which: Unrealized income Net investment in the lease
Non-discounted lease payments Non-discounted not guaranteed residual values attributable to the lessor
Lease receivables, gross:
up to 1 year 7 264 7 113 151 (511) 6 753
from 1 to 2 years 4 893 4 781 112 (306) 4 587
from 2 to 3 years 3 285 3 233 52 (158) 3 127
from 3 to 4 years 1 791 1 763 27 (69) 1 721
from 4 to 5 years 795 789 7 (24) 772
over 5 years 390 388 2 (13) 377
Total, gross 18 418 18 067 351 (1 081) 17 337
Allowances for expected losses (586) (586) (586)
Total carrying amount, net 17 832 17 481 351 (1 081) 16 751




Gross investment in the lease of which: Unrealized income Net investment in the lease
Non-discounted lease payments Non-discounted not guaranteed residual values attributable to the lessor
Lease receivables, gross:
up to 1 year 7 165 6 999 166 (627) 6 538
from 1 to 2 years 4 862 4 687 175 (378) 4 484
from 2 to 3 years 3 209 3 094 115 (196) 3 013
from 3 to 4 years 1 725 1 693 32 (88) 1 637
from 4 to 5 years 795 783 12 (32) 763
over 5 years 374 373 1 (21) 353
Total, gross 18 130 17 629 501 (1 342) 16 788
Allowances for expected losses (464) (464) (464)
Total carrying amount, net 17 666 17 165 501 (1 342) 16 324

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